1. Go to the Video section and click the "Add a Video" button, or jump straight to the "Add a Video" page from the navigation.
  2. Fill out the details for your gallery.
    adding video
  3. Click the "Save" button to save your video.

Editing a Video

  1. In the Videos List select the "Edit" link next to the title of the video you want to edit.
  2. Make your desired edits 
  3. Then click "Save"


Add a Category

  1. Go to the "Categories" page under the Video section.
  2. Under the "Add a Category" section, fill out the details for your new category.
  3. Click the "Add Category" button to add your new category.

Edit a Category

  1. Go to the "Categories" page under the Video section.
  2. Under the "Edit a Category" section, select the category you would like to edit from the dropdown.
  3. Adjust the category details as needed.
  4. When finished, click the "Update" link to save your changes.